GE Water Treatment launches a new generation of reverse osmosis scale inhibitors
【Summary description】According to GE Water Treatment on March 28, 2013: Recently, a new generation of reverse osmosis scale inhibitors Hypersperse series was launched. In order to help reverse osmosis systems adapt to more complex water quality, GE's new generation of high-performance liquid scale inhibitors to control fouling deposition and reduce particulate fouling has been developed and put into use.
According to GE Water Treatment on March 28, 2013: Recently, a new generation of reverse osmosis scale inhibitors Hypersperse series was launched. In order to help reverse osmosis systems adapt to more complex water quality, GE's new generation of high-performance liquid scale inhibitors to control fouling deposition and reduce particulate fouling has been developed and put into use. More importantly, the new generation of scale inhibitors can reduce customer application costs by an average of 20% compared to the past. At the same time, the application software with the new product has also been upgraded to Argo Analyzer 4.0. Higher scaling control values and stronger functions can optimize the prediction and dosing amount, so that the water collection rate, effluent quality, and membrane service life of the customer's system can be optimized. The new generation of scale inhibitors can serve customers together with GE's reverse osmosis monitoring tool TrueSenseView, giving customers clearer and clearer control goals, from resistance to optimized operation management and dealing with complex water quality.
GE is a master of reverse osmosis technology. GE's water treatment technology and experience in membrane manufacturing, membrane system engineering design, membrane chemical application and water chemistry are the unparalleled basis for providing customers with comprehensive membrane system solutions